Google LLC | MiRO | PoomSmart | level3tjg | qnblackcat | Galactic-Dev | CokePokes | Lyvendia | therealFoxster
iPA by qnblackcat
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⭐ Injected uYou by MiRO • Tải video Youtube về Thư viện Ảnh• Phát video dưới nền
• Chặn quảng cáo
• v.v.v...Xem thêm thông tin tại đây ⭐ Injected iSponsorBlock by Galactic-Dev
SponsorBlock engine
• Basically, this is the iOS version of the SponsorBlock extension. ⭐ Injected YTClassicVideoQuality by PoomSmart • Since YouTube v16.xx, you need one more step to change the video quality.
• YTClassicVideoQuality brings back the old video quality selector, which is a lot better than the new one. ⭐ Injected YTNoHoverCards by level3tjg • Offer an option to enable/disable the annoying suggested videos show up at the end of the videos. ⭐ Injected YouTubeDislikesReturn by PoomSmart • An iOS tweak that brings back dislikes on YouTube app, sideloadable.
• Head over to Settings > General and you will see "Enable vote submission" option near the bottom. This option is disabled by default. ⭐ Injected Open in YouTube by CokePokes • These plugins enable "Open In" for sideloaded Youtube without any need to download other Opener apps /Shortcuts. ⭐ Injected YouPiP by PoomSmart • Enable YouTube's native PiP. More options are in YouTube Settings - General. ⭐ Injected YTUHD by PoomSmart • Unlock VP9 codec and in effect, enables video quality of 2K and 4K.
• You can enable/disable YTUHD in YouTube Settings - Video quality preferences. ⭐ Injected YTAutoFullScreen by PoomSmart • Autoplay videos at full screen. ⭐ Injected YouRememberCaption by PoomSmart • Make YouTube remember your video caption setting (if not already). ⭐ Injected NoYTPremium by PoomSmart • Remove YouTube Premium upsells. ⭐ Injected YTSpeed by Lyvendia • Add 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, and 3x playback speed ⭐ Injected YTMiniplayerEnabler by level3tjg • Enable Miniplayer for all YouTube videos. ⭐ Injected DontEatMyContent by therealFoxster • Prevent the notch/Dynamic Island from munching on 2:1 video content in YouTube. ⭐ Injected YTShortsProgress by PoomSmart • Always enable progress bar and scrubbing in YouTube Shorts (iPhone only). ⭐ Injected YTABConfig by PoomSmart • Allow user to control over YouTube A/B testing flags. ...v.v.v...
• Skips annoying sponsor ads inside videos. iSponsorBlock is based on • Basically, this is the iOS version of the SponsorBlock extension. ⭐ Injected YTClassicVideoQuality by PoomSmart • Since YouTube v16.xx, you need one more step to change the video quality.
• YTClassicVideoQuality brings back the old video quality selector, which is a lot better than the new one. ⭐ Injected YTNoHoverCards by level3tjg • Offer an option to enable/disable the annoying suggested videos show up at the end of the videos. ⭐ Injected YouTubeDislikesReturn by PoomSmart • An iOS tweak that brings back dislikes on YouTube app, sideloadable.
• Head over to Settings > General and you will see "Enable vote submission" option near the bottom. This option is disabled by default. ⭐ Injected Open in YouTube by CokePokes • These plugins enable "Open In" for sideloaded Youtube without any need to download other Opener apps /Shortcuts. ⭐ Injected YouPiP by PoomSmart • Enable YouTube's native PiP. More options are in YouTube Settings - General. ⭐ Injected YTUHD by PoomSmart • Unlock VP9 codec and in effect, enables video quality of 2K and 4K.
• You can enable/disable YTUHD in YouTube Settings - Video quality preferences. ⭐ Injected YTAutoFullScreen by PoomSmart • Autoplay videos at full screen. ⭐ Injected YouRememberCaption by PoomSmart • Make YouTube remember your video caption setting (if not already). ⭐ Injected NoYTPremium by PoomSmart • Remove YouTube Premium upsells. ⭐ Injected YTSpeed by Lyvendia • Add 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, and 3x playback speed ⭐ Injected YTMiniplayerEnabler by level3tjg • Enable Miniplayer for all YouTube videos. ⭐ Injected DontEatMyContent by therealFoxster • Prevent the notch/Dynamic Island from munching on 2:1 video content in YouTube. ⭐ Injected YTShortsProgress by PoomSmart • Always enable progress bar and scrubbing in YouTube Shorts (iPhone only). ⭐ Injected YTABConfig by PoomSmart • Allow user to control over YouTube A/B testing flags. ...v.v.v...
🔥 Mật Khẩu Giải Nén (Nếu có): 123 🔥
17.33.2 (T2.1) | OS ≥ 13.0
17.49.6 (T2.3~1) | OS ≥ 14.0
18.01.6 (T2.3.1) | OS ≥ 14.0
18.14.1 (T3.0) | OS ≥ 14.0
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