🍎 Giới thiệu:
If you're looking for the card game Oh Hell! then this is the app for you!
It's got a powerful AI so you'll never have an easy game (I write AIs for a living!) and a huge range of customisable rule options to suit however you've traditionally played the game yourself. The AI players even have emotions and get happy and sad when they think they're going to make their bid or not. You can also play against your friends on their own devices over local WiFi or Bluetooth.
For newcomers to the game, Niggle (also known as "Oh Hell") is an easy to learn card game in which you must try to guess how many tricks you are going to win each round. The fun comes from trying to get exactly the number of wins you guessed while stopping your opponents from achieving their target.
For the latest news on all of my games follow @SeansGames on Twitter!
🔥 Mật Khẩu Giải Nén (Nếu có): 123 🔥
5.1.0 | OS ≥ 11.0
tags: id386151503 386151503 uk.co.windowsgames.Niggle
Niggle Oh Hell
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