🍎 Giới thiệu:
Welcome to Palette Hunt, your vintage-style arcade of colors!
Immerse yourself in the realm of colors with Palette Hunt, the ultimate tool for your creative pursuits! Melding retro gaming aesthetics with refined color theory, Palette Hunt is the quintessential ally for designers and color enthusiasts alike.
* Inventive Color Palettes from Photos.
Craft unique color palettes from your very own snapshots. In the mood for simplicity? Let our Automatic Mode do the work, extracting the dominant colors from your chosen image. If you're feeling more hands-on, our Manual Mode hands you the reins, enabling you to pick the colors that encapsulate your artistic vision.
* Hassle-free Adobe .ACO Integration.
Transition effortlessly from Palette Hunt to your go-to design software. Save your meticulously curated palettes in Adobe's .aco format, ready for importing into Adobe Photoshop. It's smooth, efficient, and seamlessly integrated!
* Preview Your Palette in Action.
Experience the magic with our Demo Mode! Preview your color palette applied to a real-world design, providing a complete visual experience before you settle on your final decision.
* Retro-style User Interface.
Immerse yourself in nostalgia with Palette Hunt's retro game-inspired design. Navigating between Automatic and Manual Modes is as simple as choosing between red or blue pixelated power-ups!
* Embark on Your Palette Hunt Adventure Today.
Bid adieu to color guesswork and embark on a quest to uncover the perfect color palettes for your creative endeavors. With Palette Hunt, harnessing the power of color becomes as thrilling as reaching a new high score in your favorite retro game. Ready for your color exploration? Start your Palette Hunt now!
🔥 Mật Khẩu Giải Nén (Nếu có): 123 🔥
1.0.10 | OS ≥ 15.0
tags: id6449098473 6449098473 artcoast.palette-hunt-color
Color Palettes from Photos
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